You know what’s great? Biking through the Portland almost-summer evenings that feel like they last forever: not hot but not cold, bare legs, breathing hard, feeling strong, staying up too late but tricked into it, always, by how long it stays light.

Seeing the sky turn a million colors, the buildings of downtown Portland reflecting crazy pinks and oranges; a heron’s squawk as it flies away from the river’s edge; a stranger’s smile as you glide by each other in the gloaming, whooshes of bicycle tires and maybe the ding of a friendly bike bell.
People, people: walking, riding, gardening, shooting hoops, tossing footballs in the street, sitting on their porches with beer or barbecuing with friends or playing guitar in their front yard, people out doing a million different things, being present to the world and to each other.

Blueberries in a bike trailer. New plants in the garden. Neighbors and wind chimes.
Osprey calls along the Columbia River Slough; western grebes in the Columbia River so far below, finches and sparrow and nuthatch and, yes, crows and jays seasoning the sounds of my world; rabbits hopping across the path; pea flowers glowing along the sides. Slime molds and spring mushrooms and slugs and a million runs around and around and around the trails of Mt Tabor.

It’s hard not to be in love with life when it’s springtime and summer in Portland and you spend your time on a bicycle and the world is such a beautiful place.
Tu devrais publier un livre! C’est superbe, ce que tu écris ici. :-) Tu crées une humeur, simplement, qui fait sourire. Tout le monde apprécie cela!
Awwww shucks:) Merci! :)