…. And then the light came back to the world, slowly but surely:)
(holy shmoly the sunrise this morning!!!)
Every year I try to make it a point to see the sun rise (ha, or at least the world get lighter, as is often the case in cloudy Portland;) on the shortest day of the year. It’s one of those pay-homage-to-the-world things for me, kind of like welcoming back the osprey every summer and the sandhill cranes every winter — something that I feel needs to be noted and noticed somehow.
This morning, it coincided with the running group I’ve been trying to make friends with, the folks who run in Forest Park on Tuesday evening. So thus it was that I got up rather early to bike to Forest Park to run up the hill in the dark to see the sun rise from Pittock Mansion. (Side note: it turns out that many more people are willing to run in the dark in the evening that in the morning. Unsurprising I suppose, but also still somehow surprising to me, heh)
Lo and behold, the sunrise was amazing:)

(when the sun actually came over the horizon:) Welcome, longer days!!
Honestly, it’s almost always the pre-sunrise, like in my first picture, that has the prettiest colors. But damn, look at that magical fog:)
So THAT felt like the absolute most amazing welcome of the winter sun and the lengthening days ever. I am grateful for such an amazing morning to kick off the season:)

(oh and p.s: the sun later, from further down on my ride home when I was back more in the fog again rather than above it:) OMG such a fricken glorious day:)
Happy solstice to all!! <3