I keep thinking that this post is woefully late, since I’ve been thinking about it for weeks, but then I also keep seeing more baby birds, so maybe it’s not so late after all;)
These two were maybe my favorites:

(omg can you handle the cuteness?? I sort of peripherally had noticed this goose for a good while without knowing there were babies hiding until they poked their heads out;) This was via bike path by the Steel Bridge)
There’s also what I think of as the “goose nursery” I usually see in Willamette Park. This is usually 12-18 little goslings shepherded almost always by four adults. I imagine all the parents dropping their little goose children off for the day on their way out to a busy day of foraging etc, leaving them in the good care of the four nursery tenders and then picking them up again when the day is done. heh. This is probably not how it actually happens, but the goose nursery makes me happy:)

(a smaller side of goose nursery via bike path in Willamette Park)
There have also been, to name a few, little spotted teenage robins, baby wood ducks (!!!!) that I saw via Springwater Path at Oaks Bottom, lots of baby mallards, little teenage chickadees in our yard, and baby bushtits just starting to make a fuss in a nest in our backyard too (those I see while sitting on the porch, not while biking;)
So, baby bird season continues! Yay for all the littles!