That is all. I have been bogged down in having lots of things I halfway want to write and also not being sure what to say once I get rolling (blogger’s block? ha). So in the meantime, happy 2025 to all:)

This picture is from a sweet new overlook that I found on a bike ride earlier this week:) I was sitting on a stump — one of two that had been perfectly placed for sitting with this view, overlooking a sweet new park-type thing with a labyrinth and everything — and a woman who was out walking stopped next to me to also take a picture. I mentioned the awesome park below us that I’d never noticed before and she told me that it was all the work of one guy in the neighborhood who’s slowly been chipping away at it, making a welcoming place where before there had just been an invasive species jungle.
And I thought, that is an excellent lesson for 2025: just one person, slowly and consistently chipping away at something, can make at least a small part of the world better for everyone.
Happy new year, y’all:)