Feb 13: snow day!!

The most delightful!! :)

Whenever there’s snow in the forecast in Portland I am a bit skeptical, but today it’s actually happening! And in a great stroke of luck, I had scheduled myself not to work until this afternoon since my last two days have been really long.

Hence, snow day biking!! :)


(Laurelhurst Park:)


When it started snowing, I left our house purportedly to go buy some birdseed for our sweet little birds who have to eat an awful lot when it’s this cold and windy to keep themselves running. We typically don’t feed wild birds (I figure I have planted them the food that they need, or if they eat insects enticed it to our yard with my plants;) — but having tried to build them such a nice habitat, I worry about them when their food is getting buried under snow and it feels like it’s 11 degrees outside.

So! I went to get some birdseed, but then of course got sucked into exploring:)

Bonus pictures today, since it was all so delightful:) (Except the wind, which made me wish I had goggles on when I turned around to bike east to go home).


(check out that goose on the left–I was enjoying watching it walk on the water which is ice in that section:)


(before it stared snowing in earnest;)


(look, you can still see the bike markings on the ground, although they are more buried now;)


As I speak, the snow keeps falling and there are a million birds on our porch eating seed I scattered for them and I am back to being warm and cozy although I bet I will go running later since I won’t be able to help myself heh.

Yay snow!! :)

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