Spring, you say?

Yesterday was the first day of spring! I hadn’t noticed, actually. Though the calendar and a few of the eager trees in my neighborhood seem to think it’s time for this: (last year’s cherry blossoms on the waterfront) …today’s commute home was more like this: (February snowshoe trip to Ditch …

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ode to weather

It’s dreary, dark, grey outside–the kind of weather where the clouds seem to come all the way down to the ground, the kind of day that makes me want to hunker inside under a blanket. Of course, work and outside obligations loom, and with those obligations comes the inevitable launching …

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Randonneur-ing: a new love:)

Today was a first for me: a 100k “populaire,” a ride put on by the Oregon Randonneurs. Randonneuring is actually something that I can’t believe I didn’t know about until recently. Randonneurs USA (RUSA) defines it as “long-distance unsupported endurance cycling [that is] non-competitive in nature, and self-sufficiency is paramount.” …

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