How does one get ready for a bike trip? Like everything, it’s going to vary person to person. But since I’m getting ready for a trip now, and since it’s something lots of people ask me about, here goes: how stasia (typically) gets ready for a trip. This is probably …
You know what’s awesome? Being able to couple bikes with other modes of transportation that extend your travel reach. There are only so many ways to get in and out of Portland on a bike. I mean, there are many ways to get in and out of Portland, but the …
Our living room floor covered with a hodgepodge of camping gear can only mean one thing: impending adventure! I was lucky enough to finagle a free week before I need to be in Bend for work, so I’m taking advantage of the time for a few days of bike travel …
When I was younger, my family used to go camping. Some of it I remember: bison licking the windows of our car in Yellowstone, for example, or playing in the creeks and rivers with my brother, Alex inevitably falling in. ;) I remember eating cookies at Glacier Point in Yosemite; …