Category: Bigger Adventures
Bigger adventures needing more than a weekend away from Portland
Mt. St. Helens. Or, All Roads Worth Biking (even with a trailer) Have Hills
[I was just doing the internet equivalent of flipping through my post archives, and found this old post still languishing in draft form, never published. So despite the fact that I took this bike trip, oh, a year and a half ago, I’m going to post it. Not only for …
5 new scenic bikeways!

You may remember the Willamette Valley Scenic Bikeway that I wrote about back in the day, a 132-mile, bike-friendly route from Champoeg State Park to Eugene. Well! It just came to my attention that Oregon Parks and Rec just opened five new scenic bikeways, ranging from an approximately 20-mile loop …
sometimes, when you want a car
Seeing as James’ birthday was this Friday, and he had the day off from work, we decided to go on a mini adventure. Since it was a pretty spontaneous decision, we hadn’t planned it out or anything until we decided the night before on a top secret plan that involved …