I know, I know: it’s embarrassing how much I’ve been neglecting this blog. But for the last week, I’ve been backpacking for — get ready — for work, with a few of the kiddos from my crew. And it made me remember how much I like that other means of …
Let’s start right off with an ode to local Chambers of Commerce. If I could give any bike tourist — or really anyone traveling at all — one piece of advice, it would be to stop at every local visitor info center. I mean, do your research beforehand too, but …
Hi, all! I’m back! And one of the biggest question marks for me whenever I come back from any semi-long-term bike trip is how the heck I’m going to handle being thrown back to “normal” life, life in which there are obligations that don’t only originate from me, in which …
That’s right. Internet magic is bringing you this post while I’m well on the road for some bike adventure. (indeed!) Which mean that though I know you’ve been hanging on every rare word (heh), there will be no blogging here for two weeks or so. But stay tuned! I hope …