I harbor this fantasy in life about living somewhere with trails and wilderness just outside my door. From my little cabin in the woods, I would step out and breathe fresh air, hear my resident varied thrush, and start running for miles on end, never setting foot on pavement, not …
This morning while I was running around at Mt Tabor — a super wet, totally perfect, puddle-splashing run that made it feel like I had the whole park to myself, just me and the kinglets and thrush — I was thinking about this book I’m reading, A Beautiful Work in …
I’m not really one to get excited about exercise metrics — how many miles run, how fast a certain commute was, what sort of heart rate was happening. None of that has ever been super compelling to me, and I’ve never really had the drive to track performance, nor have …
(put that title in your pipe and smoke it!;) Y’all. I’m putting up a good front, but it’s a struggle not running these days. The actual exercise is one part of it, but I realized today that there’s another big, soul-nourishing thing that comes from running that I’m sorely missing: …