Category: Infrastructure
Sacramento bike lanes

Yep. These two pictures about sum it up. At least for the Sacramento suburbs where my mom lives. 1. The old bike-lane-in-the-parking-lane trick: And… 2. The old bike-lane-halfway-in-the-gutter-and-fully-in-the-garbage-lane trick: So that’s fun! :) It’s not actually a huge deal since, as you can see, the streets are huge and not crazy heavily …
Boxing a bike on Amtrak
Epic rap battles of bicycling

Anyone familiar with Epic Rap Battles of History? If so (or even if not;), check out this spoof by John Greenfield, pitting John Forester against Mikael Colville-Andersen. John Forester, I learned, is an American bicycle transportation advocate who believes in “vehicular cycling” — that is, integrating motorists and cyclists on …