Evening downpour

Awww, as it suddenly rains and rains after so many nice days, as I sit on the porch and smell that new-rain-on-dry-dirt smell, as I hear the drops, a different sound for each fallen-upon substrate (fig leaf, driveway, rose buds, fading camelia flowers, earthen pot, metallic gutter… on and on …

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Be happy: Volunteer!

Volunteering!! Maybe this post flirts dangerously with the unsolicited advice-giving side of things, but let me just say it: volunteering is something I strongly recommend. I mean, volunteer for whatever you’re interested in and in whatever way you best can, but volunteer for something — find a community or a …

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A “Best of” Commute

I’ve often said that I’ve been pretty lucky, over many jobs in Portland, to have some of the best commutes possible. Some of this is just me loving any commute, but some of it, I’m pretty sure, is objectively true: I’ve had some pretty great commutes. The other week, I …

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